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Tanks Game

The main objective to this game is to destroy the enemy tank and win as many rounds as possible. You must aim carefully and choose your shots wisely to achieve ultimate victory!

Screenshot (11).png

Programming & Coding

This game requires you to be able to move in four different directions as well as be able to shoot the enemy as well as take damage. For damage, we created a health slider that would change color depending on how much health you had left. Unity contains the necessary elements so all we had to do was call upon certain functions to activate when a condition is met. In this case, it would be when one of the shell explosions came in contact with the player. We also made it possible for the tanks to take damage and we are able to dictate how much health the tank has, as well as how much damage it takes when getting hit. 


We also created an AimSlider which activates when "Fire1" or in this case the Spacebar or Enter keys are activated. The slider allows the player to see how far a shot will go to better aim their explosive shells which are models we created using 3D Studio. The arrow itself was made in Photoshop and uses a gradient to go from a fade to full color

Screenshot (12).png
Screenshot (13).png

In the Tanks Game, there are two players that are defined within the code of the script which unity then recognizes. When conditions are met, meaning when a players health is reduced to 0, the game triggers a victory screen for the round and keeps track of which player wins each round.

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